
Our Audit Philosophy

We believe that audit is and should be a great value addition process not only by virtue of the assurance which we provide with respect to the financial information but also due to the insights that we can provide as independent observer of the systems, controls and business practices of our clients.

We provide board of directors, management and audit committees the comfort that all financial reporting requirements are being complied with and that adequate controls and systems exist for identifying and managing business risks faced by the client.

Quality Assurance System
We are committed to maintaining quality of our work for all our clients and for this purpose we have established a strong internal quality assurance system

Internal Consultative Framework

Mian Saleem & Co. has an internal consultative framework in place by which staff is encouraged and required to seek professional help and advice on the technical and complex issues.

Risk Management Program
We have established and documented a Risk Management Program, which is designed to create an environment of accountability for risk that will allow the firm to preserve its professional reputation and minimize exposure.
